Mar 26, 2012

Ode to Sleep Take Two

Last night was the first time all three kids slept through the night. At least that I can remember... Yep, they slept, in their own beds, and didn't wake up til morning. How did we do it? I guess if you stick with a method it does work eventually. Real Dad and I went back to the suggestions in Elizabeth Pantley's No Cry Sleep Solution and started implementing them again. We started with a bed time routine for everyone, including a story, music and lights out at a set bed time. We had to do so modifications over the weeknend because Real Daughter 2 and Real Son ended up getting sick. They both got really high fevers of over 103 F but know other symptoms. Both seem fine today which is good. We also stayed consistent (sort of) with how we put them back to sleep if they woke up. We gave them back their binkies, laid them back down and covered them up, then stayed with them til they were almost asleep again before leaving. As I said, two of them were sick, and Real Son ended up sleeping in our bed one night for most of the night. We also had all three of them in our bed one night this weekend. Oh well, they're young and when they're sick, they need comfort. One day (sooner then we think) they will not want to sleep with us. One night is nice, hopefully it's a trend that continues...

Mar 21, 2012

Ode to sleep

Oh sleep, how I miss thee, I can't remember the last time I got a full night's sleep. My 15 month old twins still do not sleep through the night. Real Dad and I have been trying to get them on a sleep schedule with the No Cry Sleep Solution, but it is a slow process. Right now it feels like a very slow process.

The girls are teething, that continual process which makes for much drool and grumpy babies who do not sleep well. This is a lot easier process when you only have to deal with one baby teething, two grumpy non sleeping babies is not very fun.

Actually I lied, they do sleep pretty well... in our bed. Yes that's right, there comes a point where sleep is more important then getting them to sleep in their cribs. So, around 3 or 4 am I give up and bring them into bed with me because Real Dad has to be up by 6 am anyway. I try to get them to sleep in past the alarm clock but since one is usually on top of me, I'm trapped if I can't get her to sleep in the middle after Real Dad leaves for work. This makes it hard to get up before the kids to get showered, dressed, and have a cup of coffee before the chaos of the day.

Lately it hasn't mattered because getting a little extra sleep has been nice. Except the fact that I've found that if I can't move, my back gets really sore and I wake up in pain, ugh. I would like to have a little time before the kids wake up to get my mind in gear and give me some needed alone time without the kids.

It's been hard dealing with the lack of sleep for the both of us since Real Dad does help out when both the girls wake up, or when they are up multiple times during the night. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Mar 19, 2012

A visit to the resident leprechauns..

Real Dad and I made a trek downtown to visit the resident leprechauns at the world's smallest park Mill Ends Park. A very fitting way to start off our St Patrick's Day adventure. After saying hi (and the requisite photo op for both of us). We then headed toward one of the local bars that had bagpipers, irish dancers, and bands to celebrate this great Irish festival and enjoy a few beers. The bagpiper was awesome, and I had forgotten how much I missed bagpipe music. The band was also enjoyable, as long as you had a buzz going from the alcohol, definitely a good drinking band by the music they played.

We also stood in line for another local favorite Voodoo doughnut. Yep, we waited in line for half an hour for doughnuts, and yes they were worth it. We did bring some home for the kids and they also enjoyed their first voodoo doughnuts as well. Yep, that's right, the kids were home with the babysitter while we had some fun alone for the first time since Real Grandma's visit. Real DS and DDs had their St Patty's day fun on Friday the 16th with a craft at our indoor playground. I may show off DS' art and show his talents outside of wall drawings!

Mar 16, 2012

I hate housework...

There, I said it, unfortunately staying at home it seems to become part of your job. Luckily Real Dad understands that most of my time is taken up with those three kids, which can take a lot of time.

I have been receiveing emails from a website that is supposed to help you get your home, life and everything organized and free of clutter. It's called Flylady. She's great for a former federal employee like me. Why? Because she has acronyms! The government loves acronyms, so I'm very used to them after working for the feds for 11 years. My favorite is do you suffer from CHAOS (Can't have anyone over syndrome).

Problem is, getting the emails is great, but you still have to do the work. I've finally started doing her daily missions and have been trying to keep my sink shiny. I'll have to start uploading pics of my shiny sink to keep me honest...

Mar 14, 2012

Wall art

This is the reason why washable markers were invented. This was just one wall, Real DS actually managed to do three walls and the floor. Needless to say, mommy was not happy. Apparently this had been done during the weekend and neither Real Dad or I had noticed. I noticed this morning before we had to leave for our playgroup. I told him that walls were not for drawing on and he would have to help clean it up when we got home.

He did apologize and helped clean up the wall. The washable marker came off very easily, unfortunately Real DS had added purple crayon to his masterpiece which took a bit more scrubbing.

Did I mention we live in a rental? Luckily it all came off with a little elbow grease (mommy's elbow grease for the crayon part).

Mar 12, 2012

From March to August

Real Dad and I lived apart for five months. To be honest, it sucked, for both of us, and for poor Real DS. The only ones that didn't care too much were the twins, because they were too young, but being away from them during this time of major changes was hard on Real Dad. During this time I did a lot of applications, a lot of soul searching, a lot of praying, a lot of internet surfing... trying to decide what I wanted to do.

Real Dad knew that the decision to give up my career had to be completely my idea, I needed to own it, or it wouldn't work. (Honestly, I still have issues even though it's been awhile, hence this blog). During the time apart I was able to fly out with DS twice, once in April for a long weekend and then for a longer trip over the 4th of July. Real Dad visited us for a long weekend over Memorial Day for the twins baptism and again the week before our move to help with packing, loading and moving.

August 12th was my last day as a professional in a career I loved and had been in for 11 years, and the beginning of a new adventure. One I was not completely on board with, but knew needed to happen. Now Real Dad had offered on multiple occasions to quit and come back, but he had the better job, with promotion potential in a better location. I had a rural location, a dead end job in my current position, and not much potential for promotion for either of us in that location. I made the best decision for our family, even if it wasn't the best decision for me.

Mar 9, 2012

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem, Seize the day! It seems like it's another popular comment to parents of young children (not just ones with twins). Savor every minute, it goes by so quickly. Okay, I get it, I know how time flies because I still can't believe that Real DS is 3 and Real DDs are 15 months. When faced with dates on the calendar it's easy to look back and go "Where'd the time go?".

Then there are days when minutes seem like hours and you're left wondering "when will it end". Those days when Real DS has been replaced by Bratasaurus Rex and everything is a fight, even if it was all fine the day before (or the hour before sometimes). When Real DD1 is teething and suffering from a runny nose, which makes her a wonderful combination of snot and drool, and all she wants to do is cuddle with you (which means snot and drool on your clothes too).

Yes, I know, seize the day, but some days when the bad outweighs the good in child rearing, I can't wait for the day to end.