Mar 1, 2012

Let's try this again...

Since I haven't posted for a long time, I figured I could reuse my blog for a completely new purpose. I love my blog's title because it can be applied to so many things in life. I figured this blog could be my outlet for all things related to my life. Currently that would be the change from a professional working mom to a stay at home mom (yes, I do prefer professional mom). Life as the primary caretaker of three kids, three and under. Life with twins and the amazing amount of comments one gets when you take them out in public (most popular comment when people see all 3 kids "My, you must be busy", my outward reply "Why yes, I am", inward reply "duh"). Did I mention the 3 year old? Yes, he's a very active little boy who demands a lot of attention all his own, I think I may use this blog to document some of his more memorable comments. My favorite so far is one of his friends has a little brother, he asked why she only had one baby (you know, because for him two babies is the norm!)

So be prepared for much rambling and both good and bad journeys as I tackle this real life first!