Mar 21, 2012

Ode to sleep

Oh sleep, how I miss thee, I can't remember the last time I got a full night's sleep. My 15 month old twins still do not sleep through the night. Real Dad and I have been trying to get them on a sleep schedule with the No Cry Sleep Solution, but it is a slow process. Right now it feels like a very slow process.

The girls are teething, that continual process which makes for much drool and grumpy babies who do not sleep well. This is a lot easier process when you only have to deal with one baby teething, two grumpy non sleeping babies is not very fun.

Actually I lied, they do sleep pretty well... in our bed. Yes that's right, there comes a point where sleep is more important then getting them to sleep in their cribs. So, around 3 or 4 am I give up and bring them into bed with me because Real Dad has to be up by 6 am anyway. I try to get them to sleep in past the alarm clock but since one is usually on top of me, I'm trapped if I can't get her to sleep in the middle after Real Dad leaves for work. This makes it hard to get up before the kids to get showered, dressed, and have a cup of coffee before the chaos of the day.

Lately it hasn't mattered because getting a little extra sleep has been nice. Except the fact that I've found that if I can't move, my back gets really sore and I wake up in pain, ugh. I would like to have a little time before the kids wake up to get my mind in gear and give me some needed alone time without the kids.

It's been hard dealing with the lack of sleep for the both of us since Real Dad does help out when both the girls wake up, or when they are up multiple times during the night. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

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