Mar 12, 2012

From March to August

Real Dad and I lived apart for five months. To be honest, it sucked, for both of us, and for poor Real DS. The only ones that didn't care too much were the twins, because they were too young, but being away from them during this time of major changes was hard on Real Dad. During this time I did a lot of applications, a lot of soul searching, a lot of praying, a lot of internet surfing... trying to decide what I wanted to do.

Real Dad knew that the decision to give up my career had to be completely my idea, I needed to own it, or it wouldn't work. (Honestly, I still have issues even though it's been awhile, hence this blog). During the time apart I was able to fly out with DS twice, once in April for a long weekend and then for a longer trip over the 4th of July. Real Dad visited us for a long weekend over Memorial Day for the twins baptism and again the week before our move to help with packing, loading and moving.

August 12th was my last day as a professional in a career I loved and had been in for 11 years, and the beginning of a new adventure. One I was not completely on board with, but knew needed to happen. Now Real Dad had offered on multiple occasions to quit and come back, but he had the better job, with promotion potential in a better location. I had a rural location, a dead end job in my current position, and not much potential for promotion for either of us in that location. I made the best decision for our family, even if it wasn't the best decision for me.

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