Mar 9, 2012

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem, Seize the day! It seems like it's another popular comment to parents of young children (not just ones with twins). Savor every minute, it goes by so quickly. Okay, I get it, I know how time flies because I still can't believe that Real DS is 3 and Real DDs are 15 months. When faced with dates on the calendar it's easy to look back and go "Where'd the time go?".

Then there are days when minutes seem like hours and you're left wondering "when will it end". Those days when Real DS has been replaced by Bratasaurus Rex and everything is a fight, even if it was all fine the day before (or the hour before sometimes). When Real DD1 is teething and suffering from a runny nose, which makes her a wonderful combination of snot and drool, and all she wants to do is cuddle with you (which means snot and drool on your clothes too).

Yes, I know, seize the day, but some days when the bad outweighs the good in child rearing, I can't wait for the day to end.

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