Mar 5, 2012

How it all started...

The decision to become a stay at home mom was definitely not an easy one. The Monday after Thanksgiving 2010, just a few weeks before the twins were born, my husband was fired from his job. Luckily we were double ensured through both of our employers and my insurance had already covered the majority of my pregnancy (okay, all of my pregnancy). Real Dad's words were "Hi dear, got fired, guess I need to start looking for a new job". We lived in a rural town without very many options, but he applied for anything remotely in the IT industry. Also, while applying for jobs, he started his own company fixing computers for people. We put an ad in the local advertisement newspaper with his business name and contact phone number. I was completely supportive because self-employed looks a lot better than unemployed on a resume.

Since we both had time on our hands because he was now home and I was on bedrest, we began discussing what we wanted in our future. We decided that now would be a good time to relocate for better opportunities for our family and hopefully our careers. We made a list of different cities and regions that we would be willing to relocate too, and we began applying for jobs in those areas.

I got an interview for one of the jobs I had applied for (I was in the to 10 of 200 applications). Unfortunately I did not get the job. Real Dad began applying in that area during the same time, interviewed, and was picked for the job. Normally you have 24 hours to decide if you are going to accept, he was given til close of business that day. We made the decision for him to take it and hoped that I would be able to get a job as well...

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